Mae-Z had a safari party this year. She begged her grandma to let her have a grand party. Her grandma (Aunt Chris) thought long and hard. With the help of the internet (her main source of information), she came up with this idea of a safari party. Less than 2 weeks before the party, Aunt chris called Rachel and I to help with the props. She had her contractor cut all plywood in the shape of the animals. Rachel had to draw the outline first. Then Sharon, Rachel, Aunt Chris and I painted the animals. We let the children (Brian & Mae-Z) paint some too.

Aunty Chris made a 'lion's head" birthday cake for Mae-Z. the adults helped with the games. Some parents were sporting enough to stick their heads into the tiger and allowing their chilren throw wet sponge at them.

Aunty Cherry got her tailor to sew this outfit for Mae-Z. We made Mae-z pose with the animals just before the party.