Many of us were surprised when the committee announce that there would be a Christmas musical this year. We have not done a Christmas musical for a long long time.
The choir and drama members started practising in September. Many had to sacrificed their time, including students who sat for their PMR and SPM examinations in Sep/Oct/Nov.
The volunteers were required to sign up under these departments - 1)Costume 2)Make-Up, 3)Stage, Production & Props 4)Publicity & Awareness 5)Grounds & Deco 6)Hospitality & Food 7)Lights & Special Effects 8)Sound System (That's all I can think of at the moment)
The existing departments involved - 1)Choir 2)Drama 3)Dance 4)Usher

I got involved the the Stage and Production, simply because Sharon and Rachel were in charged. It was easy to work with them. Rachel did a mock-up stage and the committee approved. There were many volunteers for this department. The teenagers and older adults were so helpful.

In every musical we learn more about each other. We spend more time together and even as we bond with one another, our relationship with God become closer. We do this all for His glory.