Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
30th Aug - 1 Year Anniversary

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Fairy Park...guess what it is?

Later we had lunch at Wing Heong Restaurant in Loop Road provided by the family.
She died so suddenly without warning. Life is so short. We never know when we will be called back.
I would very much like to be buried, but if it's too expensive or troublesome, I don't mind being cremated too.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The 3rd Twin

Oh, well, the 3rd twin, I thought to myself. :)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Today, Su-Ann will be celebrating her 21st birthday.
Today, Aunt Mary Chow passed away.
It was so sudden.
She had a heart attack.
It happened in church at about 8.40am or so just before the service start.
She felt the pain coming from her head, then shoulders and arms.. and she fainted.. or so we thought.
They called for an ambulance.
Ambulance came 20 minutes later.... too late to save her.
Less than a week ago, she was telling one of the church members that if death were to come knocking on her door, she wants it to be quick. No suffering, no lingering death. She got her wish.
Life is short. Do what you can for God and do your best.
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the truth. 2 Timothy 2 :15
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Post Climb Dinner
The dishes were cooked by Helen, Francis (his maid), SK, Pat and my mom.

A Day out with RW
At 3pm we ate at Hongkie Kopitiam. Food wasn't that good. I had fried spaghetti with black pepper sauced pork and RW had rice with tenderloin something. The name of the dish was too long to remember.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Shopping and Dining

Just before we began our shopping expedition, we went to this expensive fruit juice drink shop called "New Zealand Natural". We tried this shop's fruit juice before while we were in Singapore. It cost SGD4.00 for a big cup. It was all fruits and no water or ice added. We like it so much that we thought, hey let's try it here too.

We shopped till almost 5pm, then we left Mid Valley. When we exited the building, we saw the parking signboard in Mid Valley.

After dinner, Mctc and I went to meet some friends at A&W for ice-cream. The guys ordered ice-creams and burgers. I was too full to eat anything else.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Today's Lunch is..

Update on the neighbour -
They moved out quietly late last night . :)
Monday, August 18, 2008
One LONG day of ...
Tusi came over to my house to help me with the housework. She always like my house. On the surface it look so nice and clean, but I guess she may have changed her mind while removing the dust off the ceiling fans, windows or the many speakers in my house... or..
She started at 6.15AM cleaning the kitchen. I woke up an hour later to take over the kitchen part. Then she clean the windows, the ceiling fans, the skirtings all around the house, the... ok, ok... I did my share of work too. I washed every single plates, bowls, cups, spoons and forks and sweep and mop the floor.
Then we continue upstairs. Tusi started with the room windows. She commented that there were so many windows in my house, even more than my mom's house. I don't think so. Probably she was sick and tired of cleaning windows. While she did the windows, I cleaned the ceiling fans. Then she washed the balcony then later wipe the tables, etc. Then we sweep and mop the floor.
All in all, we worked non stop for almost 11 (me) or 12 (Tusi) hours. I still had a lot to do after she went back, but I was just too lazy. Thank God for Tusi. She has been a blessing to our family.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Have you seen this before..
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Today I landed on some interesting numbers.

I went into someone else's blog. I was the 333rd visitor. To all believers - "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know" - Jeremiah 33:3
Then I went to another person's blog. I was numbered at 880. Nice number, no meaning, and I wished I had entered this blog 8 numbers later. Ah, well...
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Thai fair in Seremban Parade

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
August08 shopping in KL
It had to be God's guidance because whenever there was a decision to turn or to keep on going straight, we found that we made the right choice. We only made 1 error, but that was because I was so certain that we could get to Sogo using the Jalan Raja Laut route. In the way, we could because Jalan Raja Laut would eventually lead to Jalan TAR. Anyway, we wasted some minutes at Jalan Raja Laut. We parked the car and told my parents that we would go to Low Yat Plaza and and meet them later.
My sister and I went to the STAR LRT station at Masjid Jamek to find out the fastest way to the Bukit Bintang Station. Seeing that we had to change trains at the Bukit Nenas station, we opted to walk, or rather, I suggested not to take the LRT as we could get to Low Yat faster by walking. We took about 18 minutes to get to Low Yat from the Masjid Jamek Station.
We spent nearly 3 hours at Low Yat Plaza and time ourselves when we walked back to the Masjid Jamek LRT station. We took 22 minutes and I told my sister it was because we had a heavy lunch. :)
We met my parents at Nagoya, a textile shop along Jalan TAR. We bought some cloth to make curtains, bags, etc. Then we went o Kamdar, another textile shop. It was way more expensive than the Nagoya textile shop.

Later we went to into the SOGO shopping complex to shop.

Monday, August 11, 2008
Food bargains at the Klana Resort

The set meals at the Japanese restaurant were all at 50% too. Prices ranged between RM10-RM20 after the 50% cut. Believe me, after eating here this August, you'll look forward to next year's August. :)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Been busy scrapping...

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Homemade Pizza

3 pita herb bread
balance of tomato paste
balance of green pepper
I added some sausages and ta da.... my very first homemade pizza.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Famous Amos Nut Cookies
Apparently someone bought this recipe from Famous Amos and wanted to share the recipe. A friend and I made it a few months back and it was a hit. Everyone loved it. So here it is for those who loves cookies.
2 cups butter
4 cups flour
2 tsp. baking soda
2 cups granulated sugar
2 cups brown sugar
5 cups blended oatmeal (measure oatmeal &
blend in blender
to a fine powder)
24 oz. chocolate chips
1 tsp. salt
18 oz. Cadbury bar (grated)
4 eggs
2 tsp. baking powder
3 cups chopped nuts (your choice)
2 tsp. vanilla
cream the butter and both sugars. Add eggs and vanilla; mix together with flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder, and soda. Add chocolate chips,
Cadbury bar and nuts. Roll into balls and place two inches apart on a cookie sheet.. bake for 10 minutes at 375 degrees. Makes 122 cookies..
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
THE Neighbour again!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Blueberry Muffins.
Monday, August 4, 2008
We visited the National Mosque today
Both of us are taking the course on World's Religion 2. The lecturer arranged for the class to visit the national mosque today. It seems we are not allowed to visit the mosques here in our State. So 11 of us went up to Kuala Lumpur to meet 7 of our classmates at the entrance of the national mosque.

We had to take off our shoes too.

This auditorium can accommodate up to 3000 people. During Friday prayers, Muslim men would gather in mosques for prayers and this whole building can accommodate up to a maximum of 20,000 men.
The roof from the pinnacle to the ground is 84 feet. This mosque was build on a 3 acre land in 1961.