Another trip to Gunung Angsi. Did I ever told you that I hated climbing Gunung Angsi so much after my
first experience that I vowed never to return here again?! Well, here I am again! :( Not by choice, of course. It's part of the training hikes for the big climb in Kinabalu come July 2nd. We had 4 pre-scheduled training hikes, 1 additional and 1 optional. This was the last scheduled hike.
19thth Jan - (optional)- Scheduled to go to Datuk. I didn't go because I had to do something in church.
20th Mar - Scheduled to go to Angsi, but changed last minute because it rained during the week and it was advisable to climb Datuk. I didn't go because we had gotong-royong in church.
12th Apr - Scheduled to go to Datuk. Most climbers couldn't make it, so we canceled the climb.
26th Apr - (Replacement for 12th Apr) - The organisers decided on Angsi. I didn't go because I had to bake cookies for BCM Open Day on the 1st May.
1st May - Scheduled for Angsi. It was too near the Apr 26 hike, so we decided to skip it. Messner (Peter Lim) organised a Nuang hike instead. From our group, Peter Lai and Doc James went for it.
17th May - Additional Hike - We went to
Datuk. Weather was hot and no leeches were seen. Thank God.
7th June - Scheduled for Datuk but we went to Angsi because the organisers felt it was a better training hike than Datuk.
So here's my story :-
We left Agape Church at 7.45AM, Reached Ulu Bendul at about 8.05AM. Got ourselves registered, prayed and started our hike at 8.30AM. There were 28 of us, 11 from the Kinabalu team, 5 from DIGI and 11 others. (Who knows why they want to torture themselves when they could sleep in).

We walked along the stream for a bit, took pics while we still had breath. :) It was an easy trail. Just had to watch out muddy areas and of course, the blood sucking leeches.

Pipes along the way. This was just the start of the long hike. :(

Eh, why are we going down instead of up?!!

A short break. This is where KG would say "leech-check, everyone take off your shoes and check for leech bite". Okay, maybe he didn't say it this time, but I remembered him saying it last year. It was about 9.25AM when we stopped here. I gave Min Chee her wish. Earlier on, she wanted a cold fizzy drink. When we stop here, I pulled out my flask containing cold 100plus. She drank a cup full, but later regretted because it caused wind to develop at the sides of her waist.
At his point of time, Doctor James and Lu Ai and her friend decided not to continue the hike. Doctor James had knee problem and Lu Ai's friend had fever.

Crossing the 1st stream. Should I take off my shoes or not?? KG walked effortlessly from rock to rock, but most of us took off our shoes. Min Chee decided not to take off her shoes too. All of us arrived safely to the other side of the stream without any mishap. A leech managed to enter into Min Chee's socks and KG terminated it with salt.
After a while, KG went ahead of us and we didn't see him till we reach the hillary hill. Min Chee's leg started having cramps and had to stop once in a while.

This is the most difficult part of the climb.KG and Messner nicknamed it as the "hillary hill". I had trouble getting up. KG helped most of us,and little Nathaniel, who was only 6 years old got a piggy back ride up to the hill. Peter Chi'ng's mom, a 64-year-old lady managed to climb up with the help of KG and Karim. It took us 1/2 hour for all to climb over the hill. We resumed our hike at 11.35AM.

This is the 2nd part of the hilary hill. Not as bad as the first.
About 15 minutes to the summit, we saw Hendry and William descending. KG radioed for help because two of the youths who were with him had leg cramps.
After walking for another half an hour, we reached the summit. According to Karim's watch the time was 12.07PM.

The weather was perfect. The mist came in, and it was so cooling, like we were in Gentings Highlands or Cameron Highlands. We had our lunch there. A light drizzle made it all more cooling. Someone said it was like heaven.

We were so reluctant to leave, but when the rain became more than just a light drizzle, we started to pack up and head down. It was 12.40PM when we left the summit.

Min Chee started having leg cramps again and at one point, her knees refused to cooperate. She couldn't bend them. It was sheer torture for her having to rely on someone's help most of the time.

We managed to get down the hillary hill much faster. Little Nathaniel cried, maybe because he couldn't see his dad. But we assured him that his dad was nearby and he stop crying when he reached his father's side.

Coming down the hillary hill wasn't as bad as last year, but I still hated it.

We took a breather here. Min Chee's got free massage on both knees.

Most of the time, the pathway was flat. It was an easy walk here. RW and I walked ahead of the others.

The second stream. Water level wasn't high, so we were able to cross over without taking off our shoes.
I didn't any pics of the 1st stream when we descended, and this picture was taken opporsite the place where KG will called for leech check.

We were passing by the pipes when one of the youths (I think it was Benjamin) asked how long more to the car park. I told him, not long more. Then later he asked again. I told him "soon" because I can hear sounds of children and adults laughing and playing in/by the stream. It was a holiday, the King's birthday and the Malays ook the oppotunity to to have a camping day out with their children.
About one minute later, we saw all the cars haphazardly parked everywhere. I didn't care so much because I was glad the ordeal was over. No more climbing Angsi again. The fear of leeches and the hillary hill had put me off climbing this mountain.
It was 1 minute to 4PM when we reached the car park.

Those who arrived at the carpark before us. According to Hendry, he only came down 10 minutes earlier than us.
So let me summarise -
7.45 AM left church
8.30 AM start asending
11.05AM at the hillary hill
11.35 AM left the hillary hill
12.07PM summited
12.40 PM left the summit
3.59PM reached the foothill
3 1/2 hours to ascend and 3 hours 20 mins to descend.