A cat is called kucing in the Malay language. The capital of Sarawak is Kuching (with a "h" in the middle). The pronunciation is the same and we always associate Kuching city with cats.
Having said that, your visit to Kuching is never complete without going to the cat museum.

So here we are visiting the Cat Museum like proper tourists.

This is the entrance to the museum. There were no entrance fee charges but I had to pay RM 4 for my camera.

Some of us wanted to be cats..

Cats everywhere. There were pictures of cats, painted cats on a small rocks, porcelain cats, cross-stitched cats, cats painted on mirrors, jig-saw puzzle of cats.....

The kids thought the big cats were adorable..

Hello Kitty.. what are you doing here? Oh you're a cat too.

Garfield the cat.

Cat pictures painted on tiles and ceramic.

Cat pictures and cartoons.

Puss in boots and other cat pictures.

The musical CATS. I love this musical. I watched it in the Istana Budaya (cultural palace in KL) a few years ago.

A cat cave with all the bigger wild cats.

Cat food, trinkets, decorative cats and wooden cats.

Paintings of cats.
The place is full of cats. We were there for less than an hour, including choosing and buying souvenirs which took up about 20 minutes. If you are not a cat lover, you'll find this place boring, but if you are then you should include this place in your itinerary.
The Cat Museum is cool! I've never heard about such anywhere else (but probably there are several). Even Garfied was there :)
you can always suggest to your town council to have one in Tampere. :)
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