I have never really seen him so happy before :

I recruited Sze-En to help entertain Wayne. Apparently, Wayne loves children. He was mighty glad to see Sze-En and wanted to play with her. Unfortunately he wanted Aunt Minch to follow him too. So all the adults (Matt, Minch, my sister and I) went out to watch the kids play.
At first they played throw/kick the ball. He started smiling and enjoying himself. He was having fun and was even happier when the adults cheered for him. After a while Minch noticed that the boy was perspiring too much and called for a break. But the boy was having too much fun and so Sze-En thought of another thing to play.
At first they played throw/kick the ball. He started smiling and enjoying himself. He was having fun and was even happier when the adults cheered for him. After a while Minch noticed that the boy was perspiring too much and called for a break. But the boy was having too much fun and so Sze-En thought of another thing to play.

When we were young we loved to blow bubbles. You can imagine how excited Wayne was, trying to pop all the bubbles. He chased after them and made sure he burst them... and he would laugh so loud. He even repeated what we said. I never knew he could talk so much.

Aha.... she found something....

Surprisingly, the boy didn't cry but he knew there weren't any left because he said "no more".
Matt, Minch and Wayne left soon after that and Wayne said "goodbye" and "thank you", with the help of Aunt Minch of course.
It's good to start early if you are going to be a professional golfer when you grow up...
He looks so adorable, he is now my computer background. Resembles Henry a little-same age category?
Korpun - At the moment, he loves bursting the bubbles. Golf? He is not interested at all.
Ruth - Yeah, come to think of it, he looks a little like Henry when he was about Wayne's age.
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