If you have absolutely nothing to do in the Kuching, just walk along the Kuching waterfront. If you hate to perspire then that's too bad because the weather is really hot and humid most of the time.

We came across this site and my dad said this could be the market place once before the traders were asked to move to another site. I think they want to extend the waterfront walking area.

The kids, Esther and I enjoyed an 8-minute
boat ride which cos t us RM5 per trip. It was cheap till we found out that it would only cost us RM3.20 if we didn't ask the price. :(

My parents and aunties were looking forward to the
Kuching River cruise they heard so much from Aunt Annie's friend. We went to look for the ticket counter but it was closed.

We saw a bunting near the ship which says TICKETS SOLD HERE but no one was around. Fortunately there was a phone number printed on the bunting and Esther made the call. It seems that the sunset cruise that evening was fully booked by a big group of Singaporeans and we were advised to go for the cruise the next day.

The aunties were a little disappointed. We had already planned not to go anywhere that day because of the evening cruise. So what did they do to occupy their time? You'll find out in the later posts. :)

Bring and Sze-En posing with the felines. :)

We reached our hotel at 1o.30am. Everyone was surprised that it was still so early. Well, duh, of course lah it was early because we woke up at 5.30am to go to church at 6.45am.
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