The day before, Rachel expressed that she wanted me to try this new pizza outlet called Pizza Italia in Seremban 2 (behind Columbia Hospital). She has been there once but it seems that they ran out of dough for the pizza.
Since there were only the 2 of us and we wanted to try a variety of pizzas and other food, we called Tusi along, knowing that she would love eating something different. None of my other family members, except my brother and twin, enjoys eating pizza, mainly because of the cheese. The older sister can only take certain kinds of cheese, ones that do not have a strong smell.
Rachel placed an order for 2 pizzas - one chicken and one beef. Fortunately she had gone there once and got hold of their name card. She called them just before we left my parents' house.
Since there were only the 2 of us and we wanted to try a variety of pizzas and other food, we called Tusi along, knowing that she would love eating something different. None of my other family members, except my brother and twin, enjoys eating pizza, mainly because of the cheese. The older sister can only take certain kinds of cheese, ones that do not have a strong smell.
Rachel placed an order for 2 pizzas - one chicken and one beef. Fortunately she had gone there once and got hold of their name card. She called them just before we left my parents' house.

This Pizza Italia... I won't say it's the best, but it's definitely better than Pizza Hut or Shakey's. The cheese they use makes a difference. I do not have much experience when it comes to pizzas, but so far the best pizza I've ever eaten came from Villa Romana in Melbourne, Australia. I have also tried the pizza they sold in Disneyland, California ... very cheesy and salty but it's nice too.

can i offer to be the guinea pig?
going to this restaurant later =)
this is the best pizza in the world
each quality ingredients and how to make
I am not able to see this web site correctly on my telephone
Wow, nice post,there are many person searching about that now they will find enough resources by your post.Thank you for sharing to us.Please one more post about that..
Great post. I think one of the basic things that we should know know is that we must always make sure that you are safe in every transactions you wanted to indulge with.
That pizza looks so appetizing!
Looks amazing
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