I can't believe I have gone for Christmas shopping this year. I was so busy with VBA and Christmas Musical that I thought I would not have time for shopping.
Two days ago, on Friday, my parents, my sister and I went to Mid Valley. Usually we'll start our journey at 8.30am so that we can arrive before 10am to choose our parking lot. This time, we didn't want to rush, so went only at 12pm. When we reached Mid Valley, all except one of the parking lots signboards indicated that the zone was full. We went straight for the zone that was not full and had to park at Level 4. Those of you who have been to Mid Valley will know that there are only 2 levels of parking lots. We parked at the Gardens. They have more car park levels there and level 4 is usually for the people who have season passes only. We were allowed to park there because the first 3 levels were full and they had no choice but to open up Level 4.

All in all, it was a fruitful time. I managed to have a decent meal with Min Chee, bought a few Christmas presents and exercised. Yes, I exercised. I walked for almost 7 hours. :)
If you want to moan, go over to our shopping (malls?) places in Seremban...they are pathetic where christmas decors are concerned....
I didn't see any Chrstmas decos in any of the Seremban um.. malls. Did they put any up? I must have missed them.
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