I hate mails like these....

It was sent to the old address and I never got it till yesterday. The letter dated 11 Nov2008 was from the Income Tax Department basically saying that they had calculated the property gains tax for the house I sold in the year 2000. Yes, you read it right. Mctc and I bought the house in 1997 and sold it 3 years later. During that time if one were to buy and sell a house/property in less than 5 years, the profit gained from the sale was taxable. But if I'm not mistaken, the first house you sold would be exempted from tax.

This is how the property gains tax looks like.

It says here that I have to pay RM1237.50 for the property I sold 8 years ago. Are they slow or what? And what more, Mctc has received a similar letter bearing only his name saying that he owes them the same amount. So are we suppose to pay only RM1237.50 or 1237.50 times two? And I thought debts after 7 years were written off or have I been reading too much of the bible? :). I have to go and clarify with the tax department.
Today's the last day of the year 2008. I am happy that 2009 is coming REAL SOON... like tomorrow. I didn't have a good year... well I knew it was going to be a bad year at the start of this year. I was constantly down and many a times I put on a smile and hid myself behind this happy face. When I received the letter from the Income Tax Department, I was like... oh well, it's expected. A bad end to a bad year.
Well, tomorrow's the beginning of a new year, boy am I looking forward to it. :)
So, you are one of those whom pastor always preaches about putting on a mask when they come to church. I am glad I managed to sail through 2008 and am excited to welcome 2009, wondering what it will bring...more blessings or trials...
U really need to be very patient when dealing with LHDN. I can testify to the fact that they r very very slow, for i just received my overpaid taxes for 2002 a few weeks ago. The most annoying thing is, in the past few yrs, every time I went to their office to complain about not receiving my money, they would ask me to fill up the same form all over again. When I asked them what happened to the old forms I filled out, they didn’t have a clue.
Anyway, I want to wish u a happy and prosperous 2009. Remember, you have Jesus by your side, so no need to worry too much, 2009 will be just fine. :-)
A.Chris - Hopefully more blessings.. :)
Lawrence - I spoke to a lawyer's clerk and she said that I can appeal.It seems there is a customer service (LHDN's office) on the 16th floor of the MAA building next to Terminal 1.
Thanks for the wishes. Yeah.. I've come to a point where I just let go and let God handle all my worries. I still worry... but very much lesser. :)
Very good!
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