No, I didn't sleep in. I woke up at 6AM for my morning walk at Bukit Kepayang. It's been a month since I was there and my calves were moaning and groaning as if they were saying.. "why must you torture us??!!"

Not many people this time... let's see.. there's Esther, Rachel, Eunice, Aaron, Azreel, JoelC and Chee Yong. It's Chee Yong's first time to Bkt K and yes, he made it!
We met Peter and KG there too and when we reached the top, Peter suggested going down half way and coming back up again via the jungle trail. Rachel and I were game and it was slightly tougher than the normal route. Maybe we weren't used to it.
After our morning walk, we went to FS (a foodcourt called FS). I just had a bite of toasted wholemeal bread and my usual teh-C. (tea with evaporated milk and sugar). I had invitations to 2 houses for the Hari Raya celebration and didn't want to spoil my appetite.
So at 11.45am, I went over to my opposite neighbour's house. Their relatives came and the house was full of people but only for a while then they left. We had some ketupat with kuah kacang (peanut sauce). I didn't want to eat so much because we had to be in my aunt's place by 1pm for lunch.

So there you go.. my first day of Raya 2008. Tomorrow I'll be visiting another Muslim friend. :)
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