When I googled for Bukit Panorama, all I got were pictures and tales. I knew that Bukit Panorama is in Sg Lembing, but where was it exactly?
Now that I've
been there, let me tell you where is it exactly. When you come out from the Kuantan Highway, you'll come to a T-junction. Turn left to Sg Lembing (Right to Kuantan town). Go all the way till you reach the Sg Lembing town. It will take about 1/2 hour drive from the toll gate.

When you reach the town, look out for the Khek (Also known as Hakka which is Mctc's clan) Association or Persatuan Hainan (Hainan - my clan) buildings which are on your right and on your left is the food court (arrow pointed). You can park near the food court because the foothill is at the back of the food court.

These are pictures of the food court. The pinkish-white arrow indicates the way to the the hill. The yellow arrow shows that there is a SJK(C) Lembing and Bukit Panorama signboard on this wall.

The circle on the 1st picture indicating the Khek Association building. Just have to cross the road to the food court and walk on until you come to a T-junction, turn left.

From the back of the food court, you'll pass the public library on your left. Hey, I didn't know that "Khutub Khanah" was the old malay word for library. The current one is even longer - "perpustakaan."

And on your right, the SJK(C) Lembing school. (Lembing Chinese Primary school).

Just after the school there's a new block of school rooms. Not sure if it is the secondary school or the extension of the primary school. I thought the picture of the mines looked great.

On your left again, after the library, you'll come across this dewan (hall) which belongs to the school.
Then you turn left and you will see this -

Picture on your top right. You can see 2 flights of stairs. One can be seen very clearly. DO NOT use that staircase. It will lead you to an empty haunted-like house.
Take the stairs on your left.

It will lead you to Bukit Panorama. The path is relatively easy. A lot of steps. Someone who goes there regularly, please count and let me know how many steps there are to get to the top. :)

The first hut. You'll reach here in about 15 minutes.

More stairs and easy pathways.. and you'll come to the 2nd hut. I did not take a picture of the 2nd hut.
At this point you'll question why you are going down hill instead of up. I don't know, but it does lead to the 3rd and final hut.

The hike takes about 40-45 minutes for an average hiker, but those who do not exercise (cardiac exercises) often will probably need an hour to get to the top.

This is your reward for getting up early to hike on this hill. A magnificent view of the sea of clouds.
Bear in mind that you will be starting your hike before the sun rises. So the road to the hill will look like this (below)-

Yeah, there are street lights, but make sure you do not climb the wrong stairs. Bring your torch lights. Led lights would be better.

View at the top looks like this when you arrive at the summit. - Pitch black.

And the view just before the sun rises..
Enjoy your hike. :)
Thanks for writing about these places in Malaysia! I would love to visit the mountains and lakes one day.
You're welcome. One day I would love to visit every country in the world... sigh!
Thanks for the useful travel tips. May i know what is the best time to hike for sunrise? whether is suitable to bring kids along (age from 3yrs to 8yrs old)?
Alice - Depends on your speed and time of the year. I think we started at 5.30AM because it was our first time hiking up this hill and we didn't know what to expect. The hike is relatively easy and probably more easy for children. Just that it's very dark. Make sure you bring enough torchlights and be prepared to carry your 3 year-old child if she/he finds the hike too tiring.
Many thanks again for your valuable advice, i just bought some led lights today as per your recommendation.
Hi, I plan to hike to Bukit Panorama tomorrow morning. Thank you for sharing the tips!
Thank you so much for your afford.It is helpful, I wil type here the numbers of stairs when I arrive tomorrow
Have been wanting to catch the sunrise at Panaroma Hill but direction to Panorama Hill was the main problem...
Thanks very much for the detailed direction here. It is very helpful...
I can now plan for the trip :)
went there last saturday..didnt know the hill exists..on my way home, i stopped n chatted with a few locals n they said people come here for bukit panorama..ohh..now i know! haha.. will b climbing up the hill next week. thanks for the useful info!
thanks for your guide~~is really useful to all of us who thinking to go without hire the tour guide~~^^
so u only take 45 min to the peak?
Hi Elaine, It has been 3 years since I last climbed this hill. I think I took about an hour because I was accompanying someone who needed a lot of rest. :D
Visit your blog when I'm search some information of Gunung /Bukit of Malaysia.
great adventure activity of your organise. Hope one day I'm can join your trip as well.
^ ^...
I just got back from Sungai Lembing (Panorama Hill) recently. I got so much to tell- pls visit
khutub is stand for books (plural) in arabic and khanah is for place
FYI there are about 900 steps to get to the top.
Tq 4 EXCELLENT directions n pics! ������
Tq 4 EXCELLENT directions n pics! ������
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