Check out my new hiking shoes.

I found them in the DFO stores (Discount Factory Outlet) in Melbourne. For a very long time I had been looking out for a good pair of hiking shoes. The ones which I always wore were meant for jogging. My sister got them from America when she was there in 2005. She bought 3 pairs of Nike Air.
I've used the Nikes for all my climbs, but the grip is not good. I went over to Melbourne with the intention of getting a good pair of hiking shoes. I couldn't find any in Malaysia, or rather, it was not common to get a pair of hiking shoes for ladies here in Malaysia.

I'm thinking of wearing them to the Ledang climb this Saturday, but it would be a big risk. A few days ago, I went to the Lake Gardens to test them out. I walked for more than an hour and it was quite comfortable. Hmm.... should I or should I not? I wore the Nikes while I was in Melbourne and I must have walked too much because my toes were hurting.
I think I will wear the new shoes to Ledang. Messner and Sirdar would lecture me, but I think it is more comfortable hiking in them than the Nikes. :)
Now you found real hiking shoes! Congratulations! I've always wondered those "shoes" you used for climbing.
for hiking should be okay but not for 'kai kai'
Korpun - most of the people here don't wear proper hiking shoes unless they are serious climbers.
Keong - I thought of using it for kai kai also wor, seeing that I won't be doing much climbing.
But you ARE a serious climber!
Korpun - I am so not a serious climber. I'm too afraid of leeches to be one and Malaysia has plenty of them.
Wow!! It's nice hiking shoes!! You have great choice!!
yup, I love the shoes.
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