This year's CNY ang pows are totally awesome.

These are CIMB's ang pow packets. They printed them red (the red is so niceeeee) and gold (which is even nicer).

This is from HP or Hewlett Packard. I baked some cookies for the owner of a computer shop (where I got my notebook from). 2 or 3 years back she told me that she love to eat cookies. I gave her a bottle of cookies then. This year, I had some extras and suddenly thought of giving a bottle of cookies to her. She wasn't in the shop when I went over, but her husband was in and he gave me these ang pow packets.

4 different ang pow packets from 4 different companies. Clockwise from top left, Public Bank, some weird company, Hong Leong Bank and Future Technology (I bought my ink cartridge and blank DVDs from this shop).

Left to right - HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank and Maxis (Tele-communication services).

Oh, I love these packets. 4 different colours and patterns. They are from OCBC Bank. It's not big enough to fit an unfolded note, so that's a minus point.

I think that SOGO's (shopping complex) the best. The packets are big and thick.

Rachel and I bought this pack because we were born in the year of the ox and so, why not, there were 6 a pack, we'll just buy a pack and share. I'll probably keep it for 12 years and compare the designs with the future packets.
Wow this is an interesting post!
First time I'm seeing someone blog about the various types of ang pau designs.. hehe..
I've never seen such pretty packets before. I simply had to blog about them. :)
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