My Nokia 8310 has lasted me for almost 7 years. I bought it for close to RM1300 in April 2002. It was so expensive at that time... now it's worthless. I like this phone very much and it suits me perfectly. Mid last year my sister and a few friends told me that sometimes they had to call a few times to get through to me. I had another number, so sometimes they called me by that number if the first one was unreachable.

Yesterday, he presented me with the new old phone. It's a Nokia 6680. Much more bulkier that my old 8310, but it'll do for now.
I reached home at nearly 12 midnight and started doing this : -

My sim card only had about a hundred odd contacts and the rest was stored into the 8310 phone. Now I have to key in all the info into the Nokia 6680... sigh..
I need another 2nd phone for my 2nd line. I am currently using A.Chris' old phone which is even older than my 8310. I think it's 8210, aka the butterfly phone. Anyone willing to donate? :)
just in case you haven't got my contact I will email it to you! I recall exactly what your old phone looks like...funny what we tend to remember.
I have your contact number. I've written it down and also stored in the other phone.
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